SuperStrain Blog-Source

Biological and chemical danger awaits, bioweapons and government black ops falseflag operations are an added threat to the broad spectrum of bioterrorism and biodefense. The germs are all around us, what we need is biosecurity!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Where Did Bird Flu Go?

It's been very quiet this season. Did it just decide to go away on its own? Cause, ya know, viruses love nothing more then to not replicate... More likely, the mass culling, vaccinations and "overprotective" measures helped curb the bastard.

Of course, there's always those select few who don't understand the concept of cause and effect, so here's a pontificating retard (Michael Fumento) from CBS for you to enjoy:

"It's that time of year again — avian flu panic season. As the weather turns colder in the Northern Hemisphere and the flu starts making its annual rounds, the media and their anointed health experts are chirping and squawking once again about how we could be blindsided by a pandemic that some have estimated could kill a billion persons worldwide. New books like "The Coming Avian Flu Pandemic" join last year's "The Monster at Our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu."

A year ago in these pages I clucked at all this, laying out the evidence that the alarmists were wrong, that avian influenza type H5N1 would not become readily transmissible from human to human and therefore not become pandemic — meaning a global epidemic. (See "Fuss and Feathers: Pandemic Panic over the Avian Flu," November 21, 2005.)

Some of the arguments I made have quietly caught on. For instance, health officials, including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci, no longer talk about an "overdue pandemic" (because there is no pattern to when pandemics occur; they are never "due" or "overdue"). But the damage has been done.

A Harvard School of Public Health survey of adults who have children revealed that 44 percent think it "likely" or "somewhat likely" there will be "cases of bird flu among humans in the U.S. during the next 12 months." Less than a fifth of respondents considered it "not at all" likely.

Not coincidentally, an avian flu bureaucracy has become entrenched. Like all bureaucracies, it will fight to survive and thrive, egging on governments to provide ever more money. The alarmingly titled 2006 Guide to Surviving Bird Flu is published by no less than the Department of Health and Human Services. Never mind that no one in this country has yet even contracted bird flu. Congress last year allocated $3.8 billion to prevent the ballyhooed catastrophe (Bush requested almost twice that amount).

The latest "scary news," promulgated in the November 23 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine by über-alarmist Robert Webster of St. Jude Memorial Children's Hospital, is that human cases of H5N1 contracted from birds are continuing to increase. Indeed, confirmed cases for 2006 are running ahead of those for last year.

But the difference is slight; 97 worldwide for all of last year versus 111 through the end of November 2006. This difference could be entirely explained by better surveillance. Moreover, the real concern is not sporadic bird-to-human transmission, but human-to-human transmission. Far more people die of tuberculosis in an hour than all those known to have died from H5N1.

So it's time to revisit the allegations and show that, as small as the risk was a year ago, it's nevertheless dropped considerably since.

. . . "


His self-inflated fallacy-ridden blabber continues for sometime. Yes, I'm sure that a columnist for the CBS news website has far more advanced knowledge about the threat of avian influenza than the New England Journal of Medicine.

Hey guys, no one in America has gotten H5N1, there's obviously no risk!!

All the scientists and virologists and public health experts are just trying to make you buy into the culture of fear! That's why Mike Davis, avid critic of the culture of fear, wrote a book about the bird flu! He's just a janus-faced Bushite!

Look, H5N1 isn't some made up concept designed to keep you inside watching your television, and the fact that it's seemingly been suppressed is good news and shows that our response to its threat did something, not proof that it was a bogeyman.

I may be a bit reactionary and paranoid, but at least I can truthfully say that my bills are not paid by people who make money via patenting DNA and suing farmers.

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