In case you happen to be wondering what chemtrails are, Educate-Yourself has a nice intro to them here, wherein it is explained:
For [several years now], the military has been spraying the skies throughout America, Canada, and now parts of Europe (including Britain, France, and the Netherlands) with substances that were initially referred to as "mystery contrails" , but later were named "chemtrails" by investigative reporter and author William Thomas.
Its my honest opinion that there is more than enough evidence out there to confirm the likelihood of a chemtrail-like bio-chemical experiment being conducted by several major world powers on their own respective citizens.
Apparently there is evidence to indicate a possible link between chemtrails and Morgellons disease.
Io9 quotes chemtrail research activist Carolyn Williams Palit, saying:
Chemtrail activists collect evidence that the chemtrail spray contains not only germs but conductive metals, blood cells, carbon powders, sedatives, nano-particulates, crystalline substances, alumina particulates, barium powders, and a kind of polyethylene-silicon fiber . . . The chemtrail fibers are a kind of infant, “pre-Morgellons” fiber. The Morgellons fibers are more developed, but the fibers are related to the type of nanotechnology that assembles nanowires.
I should note at this point that Morgellons syndrome is a controversial and disputed illness in the medical community. As a medical anthropologist I must say that BioCulturaly it is a disease, since it has been described, but it may be a pseudo-pathology. Its proximate cause and subsequent ramifications for pathophysiology are currently nothing much more than spurious conjecture. From our trusted friend,
Morgellons is currently not recognized as a unique disorder, so there is currently no list of symptoms or differential diagnosis for Morgellons that is generally accepted by the medical community. Patients usually self-diagnose based on media reports and information published by the Morgellons Research Foundation. Symptoms usually include:
- Disturbing sensations of insect-like crawling, stinging or biting on or under the skin (i.e. formication)
- Skin rashes and lesions that do not heal
- Fiber-like filaments, granules or crystals that appear on or under the skin or that can be extracted from lesions
- Joint, muscle and connective tissue pain, including fibromyalgia
- Debilitating fatigue
- Cognitive dysfunction, including difficulty with concentration, short-term memory, and attention
-- Skin lesions on hand from Morgellons syndromeSo, since most
current hypotheses blow hard chunks, here's my personal take: This is a cluster of symptoms that tend to occur together, which is why it is commonly referred to as a
syndrome. Usually such disorders have one or ver few causes that create the bodily reactions that manifest in these symptoms.
Now, if
chemtrails contain microfilaments, and these microfiliments grow into fibrous subcutaneous cysts that are accompanied by delusions and mental dysfunction, these things must be both
toxic to the skin and also when inocculated act as a
neurotoxin on the CNS, causing hallucinations and mental impairment. Which means the microfiliments must be
coated in a toxin that causes both skin rash and psychological effects.
It is most likely that the microfiliments (or microfibers) enter the bloodstream and subsequently muscle tissue through the open skin leisions they cause. Itching and scratching the rashs and sores will exacerbate this. Seeing as there are
no respitory symptoms, it is less likely that the lungs are involved in spreading the microfiliments. If we are to assume that these things are crystaline in nature then they could possibly attract and form larger fibrous like masses as they spread through out the body, apparently lodging mainly in muscle tissue, where they have been previously extracted in clinical settings.
Now we need case studies of people who have been known to have been under heavy chemtrail activity developing Morgellons.
Get crackin'!